Asbestos Waste
Any asbestos product or material that is ready for disposal is defined as asbestos waste. Asbestos waste also includes contaminated building materials, tools that cannot be decontaminated, personal protective equipment and damp rags used for cleaning.
Asbestos waste is considered to be “hazardous waste” when it contains more than 0.1% asbestos, meaning that your waste will require a consignment note that records
the fact that the waste was taken and disposed of in accordance with the requirements set out by the Environment Agency.
A consignment note is required whenever hazardous waste is to be transferred from one site to another.
All asbestos waste in the UK, is subject to the Control of Asbestos regulations 2012 and will also be subject to the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (etc) Regulations 2009 (CDG2009).
Packaging Of Asbestos Waste
Asbestos waste must be packed in UN approved packaging with a CDG Hazard sign and asbestos code information visible.
Asbestos waste should be double-wrapped and be clearly marked as asbestos waste. Normal accepted practice is to use a red inner bag containing asbestos warning and a clear outer bag with the CDG
Carrying Asbestos Waste In Vehichles
Transporting asbestos containing materials to transfer stations or asbestos waste disposal facilities, then you should use either a locked skip, locked vehicle or waste
container for asbestos. The compartments should be easy to clean.
Otherwise, you should arrange collection of waste using a properly registered hazardous waste carrier.
Asbestos waste must only be disposed of at a licensed disposal site and consignment notes must be kept for at least 3 years.